What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMS In 2024

What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMS: In today’s dynamic realm of online social networks, sites such as Instagram always evolve to improve the user experience as well as provide innovative options. One of the features that has caught the attention of many Instagram users is the orange flag that appears in Instagram Direct Messages (DMs). If you’ve seen this flag in orange and wondered about its significance it’s not a problem. In this post, we’ll look into “What does the orange flag mean on Instagram DMS”.

What Does the Flag Mean on Instagram DMs

Let’s discuss what does the orange flags mean on Instagram DMs.  The Instagram DM corporate chat icon allows Instagrammers to find conversations they’d like to return to.

In simple terms, the orange corner of Instagram DM, AKA the orange flag, can help you filter and sort Instagram DMs to ensure that essential conversations won’t be lost among the many DMs you receive on your business profile.

As an example, let’s say you’ve sent a message to an Instagram influencer asking them to begin an ongoing collaboration. you’re eagerly awaiting the response. If this is the case, the discussion is far more significant as your customers are texting you asking for pricing. Therefore, it is important to avoid being lost in the dialogue!

Let’s say that one of your faithful customers is contacting you directly with a report of a major issue on Instagram regarding one of your products or services. It is important to address the concerns of your customers, and you are eager to resume your chat once you can provide the information.

The issues are highly time-sensitive so you shouldn’t waste that precious time looking through various smaller, less important, and urgent messages. The flag icon is there to help you.

If you choose to flag a chat when you flag a conversation, an orange triangle will appear on the right side of the chat, to distinguish the conversation from others. Additionally, you can limit your messages to ensure you only have access to those conversations that you have flagged!

If you’re still unable to find your answer to ‘What is the significance of the flag what does the orange flag mean on Instagram DMs?’, why not take a look? Learn more about how to utilize this icon on Instagram. Instagram Flag Icon.

An easy step-by-step guide on how to Flag and Unflag Posts on InstagramWhat Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMS

A chat that you want to flag on Instagram is an easy process. This is how to accomplish it:

  1. Install the Instagram app from your smartphone.
  2. Move your finger left or tap the DM Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Chat with the person you want to mark.
  4. Touch the icon for flags at the upper right corner.

If you flag a chat it is added to the ‘Flagged’ message section which makes it much easier to locate at a later time. If you’d like to de-flag an individual chat, go through the same procedure and then tap the flag for a second time to deactivate the flag.

Keep in mind that those you’re talking to will not be informed whenever you mark or remove the messages they send. This function is intended for your organization and does not alter the experience for anyone else.

How do I find messages flagged on Instagram?What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMS

It’s fairly simple to locate flagged posts on Instagram.

To view the DMs that you’ve marked for DMs on Instagram just follow these simple steps listed below:

  1. Start the Instagram application and browse through your DMs.
  2. Click on Filter at the top right-hand edge on the right side of your screen.
  3. Press ‘Flagged’ and look at the messages with an orange triangle on them.

Can You Use Orange Flag on Instagram Personal Account?

Naturally, the Instagram DM flagging function is accessible on all kinds of Instagram accounts, which includes private or individual accounts, accounts for creators as well as business accounts.

Keep in mind, however, that business accounts on Instagram offer more features in comparison to other types.

What does the orange flag mean on Instagram DMs And Its Purpose?

The principal purpose behind the orange flag is to assist users in organizing their Instagram DMs more effectively. When they flag a conversation as important or noteworthy, they can mark it as noteworthy or significant which makes it much easier to find later on. This could be especially useful to businesses that get a lot of DMs and have to prioritize specific conversations to follow up or take action.

In this case, for instance, a company could flag a chat when customers have asked a complicated question that needs an elaborate response or a possible partner has reached out to inquire about a collaboration. When they flag these chats, businesses can make sure they aren’t lost among the plethora of chats and be easily found when required.

The Benefits of Flagging Instagram DMs: Prioritisation, Organisation, and Follow-up

The orange flag feature in Instagram DMs can provide a variety of benefits, especially for companies or influencers who are receiving an abundance of messages.

Prioritization: It is important to note that not all DMs are made equal. Certain messages require immediate attention, whereas others may be addressed afterward. If you flag important messages and prioritize your responses, make sure critical conversations aren’t overlooked.

Organization: As the size of your Instagram accounts grows and your followers increase, so does the amount of DMs. The flag feature helps users organize their DM inbox by highlighting crucial chats which makes them easy to locate amid the many messages.

Follow-up: If an email calls for a follow-up, flagging the message can be used as a reminder. This could be especially useful for companies that utilize Instagram for customer support or communication with clients.


That’s it. I’m hoping you’ve now got more clarity about “what does the orange flag mean on Instagram DMS”.

The change in Instagram’s star filter to the flag filter on direct messages is a simpler and more appealing option to highlight and reread the most important posts.

The ability to flag messages is an effective bookmarking tool that allows users to sort messages by either inbox, unread, or flagged.

Hope all of you like our article, what does the orange flag mean on Instagram DMS? Don’t forget to comment & share.


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